
Black Uhuru

List of tablatures and scores of Black Uhuru

Currently, 25 tablaturess for the artist Black Uhuru on Reggae Tabs.

Title Instruments Views
Apocalypse 5451
Cowboy Town 7290
Darkness 5928
Every dreadlocks 8560
General penitentiary 13894
Guess who's coming to dinner 27140
Happiness 9652
I love King Selassie 8027
Leaving to Zion 7026
Natural reggae beat 10604
No loafing 6075
Peace and love 4732
Puff she puff 7820
Push push push 8951
Reggae rock 5899
Shine eye gal 13089
Sinsemillia 15842
Take heed 5167
There is fire 6651
Thinking about you 4839
Vampire 8137
What is life 9117
Word sound 4750
World is Africa 9493
Youth of Eglington 5704
Black Uhuru
: Guitar      : Bass      : Drums      : Keyboard      : Brass     

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